About Us
Gary Gumpert and Susan Drucker
About Us
Communication Landscapers
Urban Communication Foundation
The Urban Communication Landscape
Memories in Cypriot Soil: Detention Camp Project
Cyprus General
Studies in Media
Communication Law and Freedom of Expression
Peter Lang Book Series
Hampton Press Book Series
Contact Us

Gary Gumpert, Ph.D., Wayne State University, is Professor Emeritus, Queens College, City University of New York. He is the president of the Urban Communication Foundation and partner in Communication Landscapers Consulting firm.


Susan J. Drucker, Esq. is Professor of Communication in the School of Communication, Dept. of Journalism, Media Studies, and Public Relations at Hofstra University, Hempstead, New York.  She is an attorney, member of the New York State Bar, and editor of Qualitative Research Reports in Communication. Susan is the treasurer of the Urban Communication Foundation and partner in Communication Landscapers communication consulting firm.


Hofstra University Dept. of Journalism, Media Studies and Public Relations

CVs Gary Gumpert and Susan Drucker
Gary Gumpert





Ph.D.              Wayne State University, 1963


                                    Major:  Speech (Radio and Television)

                                    Minor:  English

                                    Dissertation:  Television Theatre As An Art Form


                        State University of Iowa, 1958-59


M.A.                Michigan State University, 1956


                                    Major:  Speech (Radio and Television)

                                    Minor:  English

                                    Thesis: The Problems Involved in the Television Adaptation

                                                 of Katherine Anne Porter's Noon Wine


B.S.                 Temple University, 1955


                                    Major:  Broadcasting

                                    Minor:  Theatre





2006                           President, Urban Communication Foundation


1991                           Professor Emeritus, Queens College of the City University of

                                                New York (as of 9/1/91)


1989                           Founder Communication Landscapers, Communication            Consultants


1967-1991                 Professor, Communication Arts and Science, Queens College

                                                of the City University of New York



                                    Chairperson, 1985-1989

                                    Professor, 1972

                                    Associate Professor, 1967


1963-67                     Assistant Professor, Radio-Television Education Division, University of Wisconsin

                                    Senior Producer WHA-TV


1961-63                     Lecturer, Department of Speech, Queens College


1959-61                     Graduate Fellow, Wayne State University

                                                Producer-Director, WTVS

                                                Produced and Directed, "The Gutenberg Galaxy"  with Marshall McLuhan


1958-59                     Graduate Assistant, State University of Iowa

                                                Lighting Director, Television Center


1956-58                    U.S. Army

                                                Special Service, Fort Jackson, S.C.

                                                Television, Fort Monmouth, N.J.


1955-56                     Graduate Assistant, Michigan State University

                                                Producer-Director, The Spartan Playhouse, WKAR-FM



Publications and Papers





Inter/Media: Interpersonal Communication in a Media World (with Robert S. Cathcart) New York: Oxford University Press, 1979: Second edtiion, 1982:Third edition 1986.


Talking Tombstones and Other Tales of the Media Age, New York: Oxford University Press, 1987.


The Media Age (Japanese Edition), Translated by Tadashi Ishimaru Tokyo: Shincho-sha, 1990.


Talking to Strangers: Therapeutic Mediated Communication (Co-editor, Sandra L. Fish). Norwood, N.J.: Ablex Publishing Corporation, 1990.


Voices in the Streets: Gender, Media and Public Space (Co-editor, Susan J. Drucker) Cresskill, N.J. Hampton Press, 1997.


The Huddled Masses: Immigration and Communication , (co-edited with Susan J. Drucker)  Hampton Press, 1998.


Real Law @ Virtual Space: Communication Regulation of Cyberspace, (co-edited with Susan J. Drucker) Hampton Press, forthcoming, 1998, Second Edition, 2005).


Take Me Out to the Ballgame: Communicating Baseball (co-edited with Susan J. Drucker)  Hampton Press, 2002.


Global Media Heroes .(co-edited with Susan J.  Drucker)  Hampton Press, in press. (2007).


Urban Communication. (co-edited with Gene Burd and Susan J. Drucker) Hampton Press, in press. (2007).


The Communication Landscape of a Divided Island: The Case of Cyprus. (Co-authored with Susan J. Drucker) under contract, Hampton Press.




Guest co-editor, Special Issue: The Urban Dilemma, (with Susan J. Drucker) Communication Research. Winter, 1995.



Guest co-editor, Special Issue: Architecture and Planning for a Media Rich Environment, (with Susan J. Drucker)  Journal of Architecture and Planning Research, 2007.




Selected Articles since 1995


“Communication and the Built form,” (with Susan J. Drucker), Invited Paper, Public and Private Places: Proceedings of the Twenty-seventh Annual Conference of the Environmental Design Research Association. Edmond, Oklahoma, The Environmental Design Research Association, 1996, 34-38.                                   

Reprinted: Sebeokean, Electronic Journal of Communication, Sweden;



“The Regulation of Public Social Life: Communication Law Revisited” (with Susan J. Drucker) Communication Quarterly, Vol 9, 7-32, 1996.


“The Question of Identity in a Divided Media Landscape: The Case of Cyprus,” (with Susan J. Drucker), Res Publica, pp. 281-292, 1997.


“Wither Scholarship: The Urban Dilemma and Research Gaps: Explorations into Scholarship and Identity,” Communication Quarterly. 1996, Vol.44, No 4, pp.519-526.).


“Communications and Our Sense of Community: a Planning Agenda,” InterMedia. August/September 1996, Vol.24., No.4., pp.41-44.


“Media Technology as a Determinant of Urban Form,” (with Susan Drucker), Evolving Environmental Ideals: Changing Ways of Life, Values and Design Practices: Book of Proceedings: International Association of People Environment Studies Stockholm Conference, M. Gray (ed.). 1997, pp. 362-368.


“Making the Connection,” (with Susan Drucker). Warreport. September 1997, No. 54, pp.24-25.


The Ambiguity of Privacy Rights: Lost in Electronic Space,” (with Susan J. Drucker), Free Speech Yearbook, 1998, Vol. 35. pp. 13-26.


“The Mediated Home in the Global Village,” (with Susan J. Drucker), Communication Research, Vol.25, No. 4, , August 1998, pp. 422-438.


“The Demise of Privacy in a Private World: From Front Porches to Chatrooms,” (with Susan J. Drucker), Communication Theory, November 1998, pp. 408-425.


“Discourse and Chat @ Non-communicating Communities,” (with Susan J. Drucker), New York State Communication Association Proceedings 1998,  pp.1-10..


“Public Space and the Right of Association,” (with Susan J. Drucker), Free Speech Yearbook, 1998. Vol. 36, pp.25-38.                                          


The Right to Communicate: A Victim in the Division of Cyprus,” (with Susan J. Drucker) Intermedia. , October 1998, pp. 20-23.


The Green Line Impact and Change in Nicosia,” (with Susan J. Drucker), Journal of Mediterranean Studies, accepted for publication, 1999.


Models, Metaphors and Other Scholarly Meanderings: Renovating Models for Communication,” (with Susan J. Drucker), New Jersey Journal of Communication, Spring 1999, Vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 9-22.


“Obsessions, Passions and Communication Perversions,” New Jersey Journal of Communication, Spring 1999, Vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 1-8.


“CyberCrime and Punishment,” (with Susan J. Drucker) Accepted for publication, Critical Studies in Mass Communication,” June, Vol 17 Number 2, pp. N133-158.


Drucker, S. & Gumpert, G. (2000). “The Emergence of Convergence: Technologies, Industries, and Regulations”, The Public, Fall, 2000, pp. 37-54.

            Excerpts Reprinted: Inter/Media, November 2000, Vol 28/No 6/7), pp. 15-17.


Drucker, S. & Gumpert, G. (2000). “Converging Technologies, Converging Nations, Converging Regulations”  ), Free Speech Yearbook: Special Issues on International and Intercultural Issues, pp. 19-33.


Drucker, S. & Gumpert, G. (2001, Jan). “Communication Policy in Flux: A US Quandry,”  Inter/Media, pp. pp. 8-13


Gumpert, G. & Drucker, S. (2001). “A Plea for Chaos” Qualitative Research Reports in Communication, Vol 2, No. 2, Spring, pp. 25-32


Gumpert, G. & Drucker, S. (2001). “Commercial Marketplace and the Marketplace of

            Ideas,” Inter/Media, Fall, pp. 19-25.


Gumpert, G. & Drucker, S. (2002) “Public Boundaries: Privacy and Surveillance in a             Technological World,” Communication Quarterly, Vol. 49, No. 2, Spring, 2001,            115-129.


“Scholarly Observations and Meditations: Perspectives on September 11th, 2001,” New      Jersey Journal of Communication, Vol. 10, No.1, Spring, 2002, pp. 1-16.


‘Unscarcity’ and the Fairness Doctrine: An Exercise in Contradictions, TV Quarterly, ,           with Susan Drucker,  Winter, 200310-15.


Surveillance, Security in Post September 11th America, with Susan Drucker, Free Speech Yearbook, Vol 39.

Ubiquitous Technology in the Media Age and the Ideal of Sustainability, with Susan Drucker,  Explorations in Media Ecology, 2003, pp.1-14

            Edited version published in Inter/Media, Dec. 2003, 14-18.


“Heartbreak Written on the Landscape: Public Memorials and Remembering  the Attack on the World Trade Center,” Fall, 2003, Journal of American Studies of Turkey, with Susan Drucker, No. 14, 61-74.


“Part of the Healing :Debate over Nassau's 9/11 memorial is about shaping public    memory,” (2003, July 20). Newsday.


 “The Radio Village of Potamia”  with Susan Drucker, (2003, Oct. 14). Greek News,


“ Communications Technology and the ideal of Sustainability,” with Susan Drucker,   Inter/Media, Vol 31, No. 4/5, December, pp. 14-18.


“The Search for a Jewish Communication Scholar,” The Journal of Communication and       Religion. Volume 27, Number 1, pp. 48-52.


 “When is Television, Television?,” Television Quarterly,  with Susan Drucker, Spring,           Summer, 2004,  Vol. XXXIV, No. 3 & 4, p.p. 60-64.


“The Mediated Home in the Global Village” Reprinted and translated into Chinese,   Media Studies,  vol 5, 2004, pp. 100.


“The Fake Trial of Michael Jackson,” (with Susan Drucker). Television Quarterly,       Spring/Summer, 2005, Vol. XXXV, No. 3 & 4, pp. 26-30.


“Media Representations” (with Susan Drucker), Encyclopedia of Global Perspectives on the United States.  (in press (2005).


“Urban Communication” (with Susan Drucker), Inter/Media, In press (2005).


Government Voices in Broadcasting” (with Gary Gumpert), Encyclopedia of Global            

            Perspectives on the United States.  In press (2005).




“The Life and Death of Live Television,” Television Quarterly, (with Susan J. Drucker)            Vol. XXXVI Numbers 3&4 Spring/Summer 2006. pp. 61-67.


“Obsolescent Media and the Urban Landscape,” Inter/Media, Vol 34, No. 2,pp. 31-35. (with Susan J. Drucker).


Blue Bridge on the Green Line,” Greek News, (with Susan J. Drucker)  June 19, 2006.


“Memories in Cypriot Soil: or Intertwined Histories: Detention Camps, Refugees and Independence,”  Greek News, (with Susan J. Drucker)  January 15, 2007.


Selected Book Chapters



"Media Stereotyping:  Images of the Foreigner," (with Robert Cathcart) Intercultural Communication: A Reader.  Edited by Larry Samovar and Richard Porter. Belmont, California:  Wadsworth Publishing  Company, 1982, 348-354.


"Mediated Interpersonal Communication:  Toward a New Communication Typology," with Robert Cathcart.  Quarterly Journal of Speech. Summer 1983, 267-277.



Reprinted in The Reach of Dialogue: Confirmation, Voice and Community. Edited by Rob Anderson, Kenneth N. Cissna and Ronald C. Arnett. Cresskill, New Jersey, Hampton Press, 1994, 157-172.


"The Person-Computer Interaction:  A Unique Source," (with Robert Cathcart) Information and Behavior.  New Brunswick & Oxford: Transaction Books. 1985, 113-124.


Reprinted in Przekazy I Opinie, Centre for Public Opinion and Broadcasting Research, Warsaw, Poland, 1988, 84-97.


"Linguistic Character and a Theory of Mediation," Commentary on "Toward a Theory of Mediation" by David L. Altheide and Robert P. Snow, Communication Yearbook, (Vol. 11). Edited by James Anderson. Beverly Hills, Sage Publications, 1988, 230-236.


"A Theory of Mediation," (with Robert Cathcart)  Information and Behavior. Vol. 3. Edited by Brent D. Ruben & Leah A. Lievrouw. New Brunswick: Transaction Books, 1989, 21-36.


"The Wrinkle Theory and the Desconsecration of the Hero," Heroes. Edited by Susan J. Drucker and Robert C. Cathcart, Cresskill, New Jersey: Hampton Press, 1994, 47-61.       

            Revised, in Global Heroes in  A Media World, Edited by Susan J. Drucker and Gary Gumpert, Cresskill, New Jersey: Hampton Press, 2007 (in press).                                                            


 “From Locomotion to Telecommunication or Paths of Safety, Streets of Gore,” (with Susan J. Drucker), in Communication and Cyberspace: Social Interaction in an Electronic Environment. Lance Strate, Ron Jacobson, and Stephanie Gibson, eds. Cresskill, N.J.:, 1996, Hampton Press, 25-38.


“Text in a Televised Trial or Allegory of a Trial,” (with Susan J. Drucker), in Outsiders Looking In: A Communication Perspective on the Hill/Thomas Hearings. Paul Siegel, ed. Cresskill, N.J.:, 1996, Hampton Press, 151-164.


“Voices in the Street: Explorations in Gender, Media, and Public Space,” (with Susan J. Drucker), in Voices in the Street. Gary Gumpert & Susan J. Drucker, eds. Cresskill, N.J.: Hampton Press, 1997, 1-13.


“Time and Space In Domestic Life,” (with Vana Tentokali & Susan J. Drucker) in Voices in the Street. Gary Gumpert & Susan J. Drucker, eds. Cresskill, N.J.: Hampton Press, 1997, 43-58.


“Legal Geography: The Borders of Cyberlaw”, (with Susan J. Drucker) in Real Law @ Virtual Space.  Drucker, S. & Gumpert, G. (1998 forthcoming): Cresskill, N.J.: Hampton Press.


“Museums Without Walls: Property Rights and Reproduction in the World of Cyberspace”, (with Susan Drucker) in, S. & Gumpert, G., Law and the Arts, Susan Tiefenbrun (ed.), Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press, 1999, pp. 47-66.


Reprinted in  S. & Gumpert, G.Real Law @ Virtual Space. Drucker, S. & Gumpert, G. Cresskill, N.J.: Hampton Press, 1999 , pp. 227-250.


 “Y a-t-il une place publique dans le village global?” (with Susan J. Drucker), in Vers Une Citoyenneté Sumulée: Médias, réseaux et mondialisation, Serge Proulx and Andre Vitalis (eds.), 1999, Paris: Editions Apogee, pp. 123-137.


“Privacy, Predictability or Serendipity and Digital Cities,” (with Susan J.Drucker), In

Digital Cities, Springer-Verlag,  (2002). Digital CitiesII: Computational and Sociological Approaches,  Springer-Verlag, pp.26-40.


Drucker, S., & Gumpert, G. (2002). “The Rise and Fall of Baseball Stadia,” in Drucker, S. & Gumpert, G. (eds.). Take Me out to the Ballgame: Communicating Baseball. Cresskill, New Jersey: Hampton Press, pp. 205-224.


Drucker, S. (2003) “Cybercrime: Felonies, Misdemeanors and Emerging Principles,” in       process,  International Cyberlaw, edited by Drucker, S. & Gumpert, G., Hampton            Press, in process.


Drucker, S. & Gumpert, G. (2003). Gender Roles and Community, Encyclopedia of   Communities, Christensen , K. Jarrett, R.  et al (Eds.). Berkshire Publishing Co.


Gumpert, G. & Drucker, S. (2003). “Terrorism and the City,” Encyclopedia of The City,          Caves, R. (Ed.). Routledge Press. In press.


Is the Wall Collapsing? With Susan Drucker (2003, June 6). Greek News.


“The Perfections of Sustainability and Imperfections in the Digital Community:            Paradoxes of Connection and Disconnection,” Digital Cities III, Tanabe, M, Van         den Besselaar, P.. & Ishida, T. (Eds.) Springer-Verlag, (2004), pp. 369-379.


 “The Technology of Distrust,” with Susan J. Drucker, Communication in the Age of   Suspicion: How the Media Erode and Build Trust, Bakir, V. & Barlow, D. (eds).        Hampshire, UK: Palgrave Macmillan (in press).


“Diaspora: An Urban Communication Paradigm,” (with Susan J. Drucker). Transnational     Lives and the Media: Re-Imaging Diasporas, Bailey, O., Georgiou, M, &         Hardinranath (eds.). (in press). Hampshire, UK: Palgrave Macmillan (in press).


“The City and the Two Sides of Reciprocity.”  (with Susan J. Drucker). In A. Aurigi & F.         De Cindio. Digital Cities: the Augmented Public Space. Ashgate Publishing.(in     press).


Urban Communication Reader, (co-edited with Gene Burd and Susan J. Drucker). Hampton Press, 2007 (in press).


Global Heroes in a Media World, (co-edited with Susan J. Drucker). Hampton Press, 2007 (in press).




“The Urban Dilemma,” Special Issue of Communication Research (co-editor: Susan J. Drucker), Sage Publications, Winter 1995.


Guest co-editor, Special Issue: Architecture and Planning for a Media Rich    Environment, (with Susan J. Drucker )  Journal of Architecture and Planning    Research, 2007

             in press.



Recent Lectures


Regulation Convergence and Divergence,  Vrije Universiteit Brussel - Free University Brussels, April 3, 2003.


“The Perfections of Sustainability and Imperfections in the Digital Community: Paradoxes of Connection and  Disconnection,” Digital Cities 3 Workshop, Amsterdam, Sept. 19-20, 2003.


“The Technology of Distrust,” Communication in the Age of Suspicion Conference, Bournemouth, England,  Feb. 21, 2004.


“Plato’s Cave: Public Space Transformed,” Open Space Conference, Edinburgh,     Scotland, Oct. 28, 2004.


Teaching the USA Patriot Act, New York State Communication Association, Kerhonsen,     New York. Oct. 15, 2004.


“Here’s Looking At You: Reasonable Expectations of Privacy in Today’s Surveillance Nation,” New York Civil Liberties Union, New York University School of Law,       March 9, 2005.


“Travels with Communication Scholars: From Cyprus to New York and Back.” Eastern Communication Association, Pittsburgh, PA, Friday, April 28, 2005.


“(Mis)Perceptions and the Media: The Digitalization of Trust,” Kadir Has University, Istanbul, Turkey, May 12, 2005.

“Processing contemporary television images; New demands for Attention and           concentration” with Susan Drucker and Yiannis Laouris, 3 rd Dyslexia            Conference, Nicosia, Cyprus, July 13, 2005.


“The Media Landscape Meets the Urban/Suburban Landscape,” Annenberg School of Communication, USC, January 17, 2006.


The Technologies of Connection and Disconnection, Fairleigh Dickinson Univeristy.

Feb. 18, 2006.

Obsolete Media and The Urban Landscape, Media Ecology Association, plenary speakers, Boston College, June, 2006.

Theme Session: Urban Communication, International Communication Association, Dresden Germany, June 23, 2006.

The Medium, The Message and the Messengers, AEJMC August 4, 2006, San Francisco.

Through a Glass Darkly: Mediated and Non-Mediated Surveillance and Quality of Life Dimensions of Health, International Association of People-Environment Studies, Alexandria, Egypt, Sept. 13, 2006.






                                          CURRICULUM VITAE

                                                                                                                        March 2008

Higher Education


Juris Doctor, St. John's University School of Law, 1982 (admitted to N.Y. State Bar 1983)


M.A.,Queens College of the City University of New York, Media Studies (Summa Cum Laude), 1985


B.A.,Queens College of the City University of New York, Communication Arts & Sciences/Political Science & History (Summa Cum Laude), 1979






9/02-                    Hofstra University, Professor, Department of Journalism/Mass Media Studies

                           Media Studies Track Coordinator (9/04-present)

9/01-8/02              Hofstra University, Associate Professor, Department of Journalism/ Mass Media Studies


9/98-99   Hofstra University, Department Chair, Department of Speech Communication & Rhetorical Studies


9/94-     -Hofstra University, Associate Professor of Speech Arts & Sciences (Tenured 9/94)


9/89-8/94--Hofstra University, Assistant Professor of Speech Arts & Sciences


9/84-8/89--Queens College of the City University of New York, Assistant Professor of Communication Arts & Sciences


9/83-84--Queens College of the City University of New York, Adjunct Assistant Professor


9/82-83--Queens College of the City University of New York, Graduate Assistant


9/80-82--Queens College of the City University of New York, Adjunct Lecturer





11/05- present – Treasurer and Board member, Urban Communication Foundation


7/89-present–Partner, Communication Landscapers, Communication Consulting Firm


5/83--present Private Practitioner Attorney-at-Law

            Solo Practitioner--pro bono work


9/85-8/89--Chair of Law Advisement Program of Queens College


6/81-6/82--American Civil Liberties Union Law Intern


6/81-6/82-- Research Assistant to Alan Azzara,Esq.






Drucker, S. & Cathcart, R. eds. (1994). American Heroes in a Media Age, Hampton Press, 1994


Drucker, S. & Gumpert, G. eds.. (1997). Voices in the Street: Gender, Media and Public Space, Hampton Press.


Gumpert, G. & Drucker, S. eds. (1998). The Huddled Masses: Immigration and Communication , Hampton Press..


Drucker, S. & Gumpet, G.eds. (1999). Real Law @ Virtual Space: Communication Regulation of Cyberspace, Hampton Press. (2nd edition, 2005)


Gumpert, G. & Drucker, S.eds. (2002). Take Me Out to the Ballgame: Communicating Baseball  Hampton Press, 2002.


Burd, G., Drucker, S. &  Gumpert, G. The Urban Communication Reader (2007).  Hampton Press,


Drucker, S. & Gumpert, G. Global Media Heroes (2008). Hampton Press.


Gumpert, G. & Drucker, S. The Communication Landscape of a Divided Island: The Case of Cyprus. under contract, Hampton Press.


Gumpert, G. & Drucker, S. eds. Communication in Lands Divided. Hampton Press, under contract.


Drucker, S. & Gumpert, G. eds. Convergence Regulation, Hampton Press (in progress) (contract in negotiation).


Burd, G., Drucker, S. and Jassem, S. (eds.). Urban Communication  Reader Volumes 2 & 3 Hampton Press. (contract in negotiation).






Editor, Free Speech Yearbook, 2001-. 2004.


Editor, Qualitative Research Reports in Communication   (2006-2008).


Guest co-editor, Special Issue: The Urban Dilemma, (with Gary Gumpert) Communication Research. Winter, 1995.


Guest co-editor, Special Issue: Architecture and Planning for a Media Rich Environment, (with Gary Gumpert)  Journal of Architecture and Planning Research, 2008.


Guest co-editor, Special Issue: Communicative Cities, (with Gary Gumpert) The International Communication Gazette, (Summer 2008).







Drucker, S., 1986. "Cameras in the Courtroom: The Changing Legal System." The New York State Bar Journal. November, p. 34-37, 61-62.


Drucker, S. & Hunold, J.P. (1987). "The Debating Game: The Effects of Televising on Presidential Debates." Critical Studies in Mass Communication. June,  p. 202.


Drucker, S. (1988). "The Anti-Pornography Crusade Coalition: Feminists, The Christian Right and The Meese Commission." The Speech Communication Annual. January, p.21-40.


Drucker, S. & Hunold, J.P. (1988). "Videotaped Depositions: The Media Perspective."  The New York State Bar Journal. November, p.38-46 .


Drucker, S. (1989). "The Televised Mediated Trial: Formal and Substantive Characteristics." Communication Quarterly. Fall,Vol 37., No. 4, 305-318.


Drucker, S. & Gumpert, G. (1990, Jan. 19). "The Desexualization of the Telephone."The New York Law Journal, p.1&4 .


            Reprinted in Audiotex Newsletter, April 5, 1990;  April 26,1990;  May 1990.


Drucker, S. (1990). "Legal Communication: A Model Curriculum." Speech Communication Annual, pp.97-115..


Gumpert, G. & Drucker, S. (1990). "Segregating City Life: Cultural Interaction in Public Places" Media Development, Vol. XXXVII, pp.20-22.


Gumpert, G. & Drucker, S. (1991). "The Public/Private World of the Telephone,"  New York State Speech Proceedings, April, pp.8-12.


Gumpert, G. & Drucker, S. (1991, June). "Dial-A-Porn Restrictions,"  Audiotex News, pp. 8-3 .


Drucker, S. & Gumpet, G. (1991). "Public Space and Communication: The Zoning of Public Interaction," Communication Theory,Vol.1 No. 4, pp.296-310.


Gumpert, G. & Drucker, S. (1992). "Social Uses of the Telephone," New York State Speech Communication Annual, Feb. pp. 131-145.


Drucker, S. & Gumpert, G. (1992). "From the Agora to the Electronic Shopping Mall,"  Critical Studies in Mass Communication, 9, June, pp.186-200.


Drucker, S. (1992, April). "Cameras in the Courtroom" New York State Speech Communication Proceedings, April, pp. 17-33.


Drucker, S. (1992, July/Aug.). "Cameras in the Courtroom Revisited" New York State Bar Journal, pp.44-48.


Drucker, S. & Gumpert, G. (1992, Fall). "Justice is a Blue Smudge: The Ethics of Televised Judicial Proceedings" Analysis and Commentary,   Media Ethics Update, Volume 5, Number 5,   p.8.


Gumpert, G. & Drucker, S. (1992, Nov.). "Variations on a Theme of Executions" in Media Development, pp.17).


Drucker, S. (1992, Nov). "Defamation by Docudrama: A Study of Form, Content and Liability" in Journal of Media Law and Practice, pp.287-293.


Gumpert, G. & Drucker, S. (1992). "Public Space and Media: The Metamorphosis of Greek Social Life From Greece to New York,"  Euroscape Symposia, Proceedings: Volume V, (Ed) Mazis, Aristides & Karaletsou, Cleopatra., Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, pp. 224-33 .


Gumpert, G. & Drucker, S.  (1992)."Commentary: Immigrants and the Built Form," Euroscape Symposium, Proceedings: Volume V, (Ed) Mazis, Aristides & Karaletsou, Cleopatra., Aristotle University of Thessaliniki, p.496 .


Drucker, S. & Gumpert, G. (1993). "Media Development and Public Space: The Legislating of Social Interaction," Between Communication and Information , Information and Behavior ,Vol. IV. Edited by Jorge R. Schenent and Brent D. Ruben. Transaction Publishers, New Brunswick, N.J., pp. 435-451.


Gumpert, G. & Drucker, S. (1993, November) "Bell Atlantic & TCI Merger Reviewed: David and Goliath Revisited," Audiotex Newsletter, pp. 8 & 2.


Gumpert, G. & Drucker, S. (1995). "Place as Medium: Exegesis of the Café Drinking Coffee, the Art of Watching Others, Civil Conversation - With Excursions Into the Effects of Architecture and Interior Design," , The Speech Communication Annual, Spring, Vo. 9,  pp. 7-32


Gumpert, G. & Drucker, S. (1994). "Public Space and Urban Life: Challenges in the Communication Landscape" Journal of Communication, Autumn, Vol  44, No. 4., 169-177.


Gumpert, G. & Drucker, S. (1994, June). "Hawelka, Vienna,” JAVA Journal,  p.14.


Gumpert, G. & Drucker, S. (1994,Oct). "Odessa, Paris," JAVA Journal p.21


Drucker, S. & Gumpert, G. (1995). "Freedom and Liability in Cyberspace: Media, Metaphors and Paths of Regulations," Vol. 33 Free Speech Yearbook, pp.49-64.


Gumpert, G & .Drucker, S. (1995). “Distance Learning and Education as Place,” Telematics & Informatics, Vol XII, No 2. pp. 69-73


Gumpert, G. & Drucker, S. (1995).“Introduction,” The Urban Dilemma, pp.622-626.


Gumpert, G. & Drucker, S. (1996). “Communication and the Built form,” Public and Private Places: Proceedings of the Twenty-seventh Annual Conference of the Environmental Design Research Association. Edmond, Oklahoma, The Environmental Design Research Association, 34-38.


Reprinted: Sebeokean, Electronic Journal of Communication, Sweden;



Drucker, S. & Gumpert, Gl. (1996). “The Regulation of Public Social Life: Communication Law Revisited” Communication Quarterly,  Vol 9, 7-32.


Drucker, S. (1996/1997). Personal liberties and personal perils: communication rights in Cyberspace.” Inter/Media.  Dec./Jan., Vol. 24,pp. 35-37.


Gumpert, G. & Drucker, S. (1997). “The Question of Identity in a Divided Media Landscape: The Case of Cyprus, Res Publica pp. 281-292.


Gumpert, G. & Drucker, S. (1997). “Media Technolgoy as a Determinant of Urban Form,” Evolving Environmental Ideals: Changing Ways of Life, Values and Design Practices: Book of Proceedings: International Association of People Environment Studies Stockholm Conference, M. Gray (ed.). 1997, pp. 362-368.


Gumpert, G. & Drucker, S. (1997, September). “Making the Connection Warreport, No. 54, pp.24-25.


Drucker, S. (1997). “The Tenets of Jurisdiction,” New York Bar Journal, December, pp. 30-34.


Drucker, S. & Gumpert, G. (1998). “The Ambiguity of Privacy Rights: Lost in Electronic Space.” Free Speech Yearbook, , Vol 35, pp. 13-26.


Gumpert, G. & Drucker, S. (1998). “The Mediated Home in the Global Village,” Communication Research, Vol. 25, NO. 4, pp. 422-438.


Gumpert, G. & Drucker, S. (1998). “The Demise of Privacy in a Private World: From Front Porches to Chatrooms,” Communication Theory, November, pp. 408-425.

            Reprinted in: R.M. Baird, R. Ramsower,and St. E. Rosenbaum (eds.). Cyberethics: Social and Moral Issues in the Computer Age, (2000)  Amherst, NY: Prometheus Books, pp. 171-187.


Gumpert, G. & Drucker, S. (1998). “Discourse and Chat @ Non-communicating Communities,” (with Gary Gumpert), New York State Communication Proceedings, pp.1-10..


Gumpert, G. & Drucker, S. (1998, Fall).The Right to Communicate: A Victim in the Division of Cyprus,” Intermedia. ,


Drucker, S. & Gumpert, G. (1998). “Public Spaces and the Right of Association” (with Gary Gumpert), Free Speech Yearbook., Volume, 36, pp. 25-38.


Gumpert, G. & Drucker, S. (1999). “ Models, Metaphors and Other Scholarly Meanderings: Renovating Models for Communication,” New Jersey Journal of Communication, Spring, Vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 9-22.


Drucker, S. & Gumpert, G (1999). The Environment of Political Communication and the Electronification of Political Space,” Speech Communication Annual, Volume XIII. pp. 1-15.


Drucker, S. (1999). “The Image of Japanese on American Television,” Research Report, Proceedings, International Television Flow Project, Tokyo: Japan, 1999.


Drucker, S. (1999). “The Regulatory Web,” Proceedings: Symposium on Cultural Ecology, Hosa Bunka             

Foundation, Tokyo: Japan, 1999.


Gumpert, G. & Drucker, S. (1999). The Green Line: Impact and Change in Nicosia,” (with Gary Gumpert), Journal of Mediterranean Studies, Vol. 8 No. 2, pp. 205-222.


Drucker, S. & Gumpert, G. (2000). “Cybercrime and Punishment”, Critical Studies in Media Communication,  June, Vol 17 Number 2, pp. N133-158.


Drucker, S. & Gumpert, G. (2000). “The Emergence of Convergence: Technologies, Industries, and Regulations”, The Public, Fall, 2000, pp. 37-54.

            Excerpts Reprinted: Inter/Media, November 2000, Vol 28/No 6/7), pp. 15-17.


Drucker, S. & Gumpert, G. (2000). “Converging Technologies, Converging Nations, Converging Regulations” ), Free Speech Yearbook: Special Issues on International and Intercultural Issues, pp. 19-33.


Drucker, S. & Gumpert, G. (2001, Jan). “Communication Policy in Flux: A US Quandry,” Inter/Media, pp. pp. 8-13.


Gumpert, G. & Drucker, S. (2001). “A Plea for Chaos” Qualitative Research Reports in Communication, Vol 2, No. 2, Spring, pp. 25-32


Gumpert, G. & Drucker, S. (2001). “Commercial Marketpalce and the Marketplace of Ideas,” Inter/MediaFall, pp. 19-25.


Gumpert, G. & Drucker, S. (2002) “Public Boundaries: Privacy and Surveillance in a Technological World,” Communication Quarterly.  Vol. 49, No. 2, Spring, 2001, 115-129.


Drucker, S. & Gumpert, G. (2001).Converging Technologies, Converging Nations, Converging Regulations,” Free Speech Yearbook, Vol 38,  pp.19-33.


“Scholarly Observations and Meditations: Perspectives on September 11th, 2001,” New Jersey Journal of Communication, Vol. 10, No.1, Spring, 2002,


Drucker, S. & Gumpert, G. (2003). Surveillance, Security in Post September 11th America, Free Speech Yearbook.


Drucker, S. (2003). “Free Press Under Fire: The Case of Northern Cyprus,” Hofstra Horizons, Spring.


Drucker, S. & Gumpert, G. (2003). “ ‘Unscarcity’ and the Fairness Doctrine: An Exercise in Contradictions, Television Quarterly, 10-15.


Gumpert, G. & Drucker, S. (2003). Ubiquitous Technology in the Media Age and the Ideal of Sustainability, Explorations in Media Ecology, 2003, pp.1-14

            Edited version published in Inter/Media, Dec. 2003, 14-18.


Gumpert, G. & Drucker, S. “Heartbreak Written on the Landscape: Public Memorials and Remembering           the Attack on the World Trade Center,” Fall, 2003, Journal of American Studies of Turkey, No. 14, 61-74.


Drucker, S. & Gumpert, G. “Part of the Healing :Debate over Nassau's 9/11 memorial is about shaping public memory,” (2003, July 20). Newsday. p


Gumpert, G. & Drucker, S. “The Radio Village of  Potamia” (2003, Oct. 14). Greek News,


Gumpert, G. & Drucker, S. “ Communications Technology and the ideal of Sustainability,” Inter/Media, Vol 31, No. 4/5, December, pp. 14-18.


Gumpert, G. & Drucker, S. (2004). “When is Television, Television?,” Television Quarterly, Spring, Summer, Vol. XXXIV, No. 3 & 4, p.p. 60-64.


Gumpert, G. & Drucker, S. “The Mediated Home in the Global Village” Reprinted and translated into Chinese, Media Studies,  vol 5, 2004, pp. 100.


Drucker, S. (2004).  Globalization and International Freedom of Expression Law Resources Review, Freedom of Expression Annual, Vol. 40


Gumpert, G. & Drucker, S. “Communication and Urban Life”, Inter/Media, Vol. 33 Number2, pp. 18-23.


Gumpert, G. & Drucker, S. (2005). “Media Representations,” Encyclopedia of Global Perspectives on the  United States.


Gumpert, G. & Drucker, S. (2005). “Government Voices in Broadcasting” Encyclopedia of Global Perspectives on the United States.  


Gumpert, G. & Drucker S. “The Fake TV Trial of Michael Jackson” TV Quarterly, 2005, Spring/Summer, Vol. XXXV, No. 3 & 4, pp. 26-30.


Gumpert, G. & Drucker S . “Cyprus Interludes” with S. Drucker, Greek News. Interviewing Papadopoulos and Talat ,  September 26, 2005.


Drucker, S. (2005, Fall). Urban and Suburban Communication in the Digital Age.  Hofstra Horizons.


Gumpert, G. & Drucker, S. The Life and Death of Live Television, Television Quarterly,  Vol. XXXVI Numbers 3&4 Spring/Summer 2006. pp. 61-67.


Gumpert, G. & Drucker S. “Obsolescent Media and the Urban Landscape,” Inter/Media, Vol 34, No. 2,pp. 31-35.


Gumpert, G. & Drucker S.Blue Bridge on the Green Line,” Greek News, June 19, 2006.


Gumpert, G. and Drucker, S. “Memories in Cypriot Soil: or Intertwined Histories: Detention Camps, Refugees and Independence,”  Greek News,  January 15, 2007.


Drucker, S. and Gumpert, G. Through the looking glass: illusions of transparency and the cult of information.  Journal of Management Development, Volume 26, Number 5 2007, pp. 493-498, Emerald Group,.


Gumpert, G. and Drucker, S. “The Symbiosis of Communication Technology and Place,

Building Sustainable Communities”, edited by Janice M. Bissell, Environmental Design and Research Association, EDRA, 2007,pp. 5-9.


Gumpert, G. and Drucker, S. “Real or Not Real? The Digital Game,” Media Ethics, Spring 2007, Volume 18, Number 2, pp. 11, 30-33.


Drucker, S. & Gumpert, G. “ ‘Zoning’ in the regulation of communications: A call for a zoning bill  or rights.”Inter/Media, Vol 35, No. 4 ,pp. 27-32.


Drucker, S. & Gumpert, G. “The British, the Jewish Detention Camps and the Cyprus Story,” Greek News, March 17, 2008. pp. 44, 40.


Gumpert, G. and Drucker, S. “Communicative Cities, The International Communication Gazette. Sage Publications.  (forthcoming, Summer 2008).



Book Chapters:


Drucker, S.(1990). "The Legal and Ethical Implications of Mediated Therapeutic Communication" in Talking to Strangers: Mediated Therapeutic Communication edited by Gary Gumpert and Sandra Fish, Ablex, pp. 200-213.


Drucker, S. & Hunold, J.P. (1990). "The Claus von Bulow Retrial: Lights, Camera, Genre", in Rhetoric, Mass Media and the Law edited by Robert Hariman, University of Alabama Press, pp.133-147.


Drucker, S. & Cathcart, R. (1994). "The Hero-Celebrity Phenomenon" chapter in (Eds.). S. Drucker & R. Cathcart, Heroes in a Media Age, Hampton Press, pp.1-11.


Drucker, S. (1994). "The Mediated Sports Hero" chapter in (Eds.). S. Drucker & R. Cathcart, Heroes in a Media Age, Hampton Press, pp. 82-93.


Drucker, S. & Cathcart, R. (1994). "The Celebrity-Fan Relationship" chapter in (Eds.). S. Drucker & R. Cathcart, Heroes in a Media Age, Hampton Press, pp.262-271.


Drucker, S. & Cathcart, R. (1993). "The Presentation of American Courtroom Drama on Puerto Rican Television: Uses and Implications."in  J. Fayer (ed).  Puerto Rican Communication Studies, Fundacion Arqueologica, Antropologica, E Historica de Puerto pp.11-26 .


Drucker, S. & Gumpert, G. (1996). "Hill v. Thomas: Text in a Televised Trial or Allegory of A Trial,"  The Thomas/Hill Controversy: From a Communications Perspective, vol. edited by Paul Siegel, Hampton Press, 151-164.


Gumpert, G. & Drucker, S. (in press). "From Public Space to Electronic Space: The Transformation of Jewish Political Talk," in Jewish Rhetoric: Ancient Traditions, Modern Needs. Samuel Edelman, ed. Cresskill, N.J.: Hampton Press, (accepted for publication - 1998).


Gumpert, G. & Drucker, S. (in press). “The Art of Mourning: Holocaust Memorials in Public Space,” (Gary Gumpert), in  Jewish Rhetoric: Ancient Traditions, Modern Needs. Samuel Edelman, ed. Cresskill, N.J.: Hampton Press, (accepted for publication - 1999).


Gumpert, G. & Drucker, S. (1996)“From Locomotion to Telecommunication or Paths of Safety, Streets of Gore,” (Gary Gumpert, in Communication and Cyberspace: Social Interaction in an Electronic Environment. Lance Strate, Ron Jacobson, and Stephanie Gibson eds. Cresskill, N.J.: Hampton Press,  pp.25-38, 2002, 2nd edition, revised chapter, pp.29-46. .


Drucker, S. (1997). “From Regulation to Social Cohesion: Mediated Jurisprudence ,and Perception of the Legal Environment,” in D. Cliche (ed.). Cultural Ecology: The Changing Dynamics of Communication, pp.167-181., London: International Institute of Communications.


Gumpert, G. & Drucker, S. (1997). “Listening as a Indiscreet Public Act or Eavesdropping Can Be Fun”  in M. Purdy and D. Borisoff, (eds.). Listening in Everyday Life: A Personal and Professional Approach, second edition, New York: University Press of America. pp. 163-177.


Drucker, S. & Gumpert, G. (1997). “Introduction: Gender, Media and Public Space,” in Voices in the Street: Explorations in Gender, Media and Public Space, S.J.Drucker & G. Gumpert (eds). Cresskill, N.J.: Hampton Press. Pp. 1-14.


Drucker, S. & Gumpert, G. (1997). “Women and Shopping in  Voices in the Street: Explorations in Gender, Media and Public Space, S.J.Drucker & G. Gumpert (eds). Cresskill, N.J.: Hampton Press.  pp. 119-136.


Tentokali, V., Drucker, S. & Gumpert, G. (1997). “Time and Space of Domestic Life” in Voices in the Street: Explorations in Gender, Media and Public Space, S.J.Drucker & G. Gumpert (eds). Cresskill, N.J.: Hampton Press.) pp. 43-58.


Gumpert, G. & Drucker, S. (1997). “Mediated Communication, Public Space and Gender in Greece and a Greek Community in New York”, in Voices in the Street: Explorations in Gender, Media and Public Space, S.J.Drucker & G. Gumpert (eds). Cresskill, N.J.: Hampton Press. pp. 225-236..



Gumpert, G. & Drucker, S. (1998). “The Greek World of Astoria, New York, in Huddled Masses: Communication and Immigration. Gary Gumpert & Susan Drucker (eds.). Cresskill, N.J.: Hampton Press, pp. 77-98.


Gumpert, G. & Drucker, S. (1998). “Communication Across Lands Divided: The Cypriot Communications Landscape,” (with Gary Gumpert), in V. Calotychos (ed.). Cyprus and its people: Nation, identity, and experience in an unimaginable community 195-1997, Boulder, CO: Westview Press., pp. 237-250.


Drucker, S. & Gumpert, G. (1999). “Legal Geography: The Borders of Cyberlaw”, in Real Law @ Virtual  Space.  Drucker, S. & Gumpert, G. ,Cresskill, N.J.: Hampton Press. pp. 1-27.


Drucker, S. & Gumpert, G. “Museums Without Walls: Property Rights and Reproduction in the World of Cyberspace”, in Drucker, S. & Gumpert, G. (1999). Cresskill, N.J.: Hampton Press, pp.227-250. (reprinted from Law and the Arts, edited by Tiefenbrun, S.).


Drucker, S. & Gumpert, G. (1999). “Of Firewalls and Unlocked Doors: Expectations of Privacy, ” Drucker, S. & Gumpert, G. Cresskill, N.J.: Hampton Press pp.325-348.


Drucker, S. & Gumpert, G. (1999). “Museums Without Walls: The Law of Reproduction in the World of Cyberspace,  Law and the Arts, (Ed). S.Tiefenbrun) pp.47-66.


Gumpert, G. & Drucker, S. (1999).  “Does the Global Community Have a Village Commons: The Internet and Public Space with Gary Gumpert, in Serge P.(ed.), in trans. (French),International Communication in Cyberspace.(Vers Une CitoyennetéSimulée: Médias, réseaux et mondialisation, Éditions Apogée, pp. 123-140.


Gumpert, G. & Drucker, S. (2000). “All Wired Up and No Place to Go: Media and Home Environments,” In People and Culture in Home Environments Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, pp. 109-116.


Gumpert, G. & Drucker, S. (2002). “Privacy, Predictability or Serendipity and Digital Cities,” Tanabe, M, Van den Besselaar, P.. & Ishida, T. (Eds.). Digital CitiesII: Computational and Sociological Approaches,  Springer-Verlag, pp.26-40.


Drucker, S. (2002). “Ethnic Food and Ethnic Enclaves,” in G. Moser et. al (Eds.). People, Places and Sustainability. Bern:Germany: Hogrefe & Huber Publishers, 173-183.


Drucker, S., & Gumpert, G. (2002). “The Rise and Fall of Baseball Stadia,” in Drucker, S. & Gumpert, G. (eds.). Take Me out to the Ballgame: Communicating Baseball. Cresskill, New Jersey: Hampton Press, pp. 205-224.


Drucker, S. & Gumpert, G. (2003). Gender Roles and Community, Encyclopedia of Communities, Christensen , K. Jarrett, R.  et al (Eds.). Berkshire Publishing Co.


Gumpert, G. & Drucker, S. (2003). “Terrorism and the City,” Encyclopedia of The City, Caves, R. (Ed.).

Routledge Press.


Gumpert, G. & Drucker, S. Is the Wall Collapsing? With Susan Drucker (2003, June 6). Greek News.


Gumpert, G. & Drucker, S. (2004). “The Perfections of Sustainability and
Imperfections in the Digital Community: Paradoxes of Connection and Disconnection,” Digital Cities III, Tanabe, M, Van den Besselaar, P.. & Ishida, T. (Eds.) Springer-Verlag, (
pp. 369-379).



Gumpert, G. & Drucker, S. “The Technology of Distrust,”Communication in the Age of Suspicion: Trust and the Media, Bakir, V. & Barlow, D. (eds). Hampshire, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, pp.189-201.


Gumpert, G. & Drucker, S. “Diaspora: An Urban Communication Paradigm,”. Transnational Lives and the Media: Re-Imaging Diasporas, Bailey, O., Georgiou, M, & Hardinranath (eds.). Hampshire, UK: Palgrave Macmillan,  pp.195-211.


Gumpert, G. & Drucker, S. “The City and Two Sides of Reciprocity,”) The Urban Communication Reader, Burd, G., Drucker, S. and Gumpert, G. (eds.) Hampton Press, Cresskill, N.J.,  pp. 35-45.


Gumpert, G. & Drucker, S.  “The Parable of the Mobile Rock: Displacing Place Mobile Communication in the 21st Century or “Everybody, Everywhere, At Any Time” in S. Kleinman (ed.). In Displacing Place: Mobile Communication in the 21st Century, Peter Lang Publishing, 2007, pp. 7-20.


Drucker, S. “The Mediated Sports Heroes,” Drucker, S. in Drucker, S. & Gumpert, G. (eds.). Global Media Heroes ,  Hampton Press,2008,  pp. 415-432.


Drucker, S. “Celebrity Law,” Drucker, S. in Drucker, S. & Gumpert, G. (eds.). Global Media Heroes ,  Hampton Press, 2008, pp. 455-476.


Drucker, S. & Gumpert, G. “The Global Communication Environment of Heroes,”  in Drucker, S. & Gumpert, G. (eds.). Global Media Heroes ,  Hampton Press. 2008, pp. 1-16.


Gumpert, G. & Drucker, S. (2008). The City and the Two Sides of Reciprocity. In A. Aurigi & F. De Cindio. Digital Cities: the Augmented Public Space. (in press).


Drucker, S.  “Freedom of Expression or Variations on a Theme of Communication and Law,” ECA 100th Anniversary Retrospective, edited, Chesebro, J. W.  Roxbury Press, (forthcoming, 2009).







Drucker, S. and Gumpert,  G. The Blind Man and the Elephant: Variations on a Theme of Urban Communication,”  International Journal of Communication, Volume 2 2008.


Drucker, S. “Legal Communication, In Search of A Discipline” Review of Communication,  Jan. 2005.

Drucker, S. “The Talmud and the Internet,” Journal of the Media Ecology Association, Spring 2002.


Drucker, S. "Media Information Systems: A Review of When Information Counts: Grading the Media" ed. Bernard Rubin. Communication Quarterly, Fall 1985: 334.


Drucker, S. "Freedom of Speech in the United States" reviews of book by Thomas L. Tedford, Communication Quarterly, and Fall, 1985: 333.


Drucker, S. "Multiple Perspectives on Freedom of Speech: A Review of Perspectives on Freedom of Speech" ed., Thomas L. Tedford, John J. Makay, and David L. Jamison. Communication Quarterly, Spring, 1987: 223.


Drucker, S. "Consuming Technologies: Media and Information in Domestic Spaces," edited by Roger Silverstone and Eric Hirsch,  European Journal of Communication, March  1994, Vol.9, No. 2, 108-109.





Work in Progress:


Cypriot Memories Forgotten, documentary project, with Nektarios Vilanides and Gary Gumpert.






Gary Gumpert, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus, Queens College
Susan Drucker, Esq., Professor, Hofstra University, School of Communication

Communication Landscapers
A communication consulting firm concerned with integrating human factors, social interaction and design. 


6 Fourth Road, Great Neck, New York,11021